Thursday, November 10, 2011

News of the Day

I just returned from my appointment at Dana-Farber.  I confess that I was anxious about this visit, since one of my test results from my NH oncologist visit was high.  When I had spoken to the Physician Assistant about the result, she expressed concern and that initially alarmed me.  However, my oncologist hadn't called and Dr. Anderson hadn't called, so if they were not concerned enough to call, why should I be alarmed?  Needless to say, though, I prayed and practiced my newly-learned meditation and, sure enough, my state of mind moved from 'alarmed' to 'mildly anxious.'  I would like to have been 'calm' but that could only be achieved with a little dose of Lorazepam.  Still, I try to hold on to the belief that I shouldn't worry until it is confirmed that I have something to worry about.

As it turns out, I currently have nothing to worry about :-)  My lab results look great!!!  The one high result I had in NH had nothing to do with my myeloma - or my diabetes.  And it could have been high for any number of reasons, including infection, a cold, etc.  I was relieved and thankful, though I do think I'll discuss the conversation with the PA with my NH oncology team.  It was unnerving.

Anyway, I will soon start on a maintenance dose of Revlimid, a pill that I was taking during my initial chemo treatment.  I'll take Revlimid for 21 days and then be off for 7 days.  Though some with myeloma have decided against returning to Revlimid, numerous research studies in the US and in France have supported this maintenance dose for the best prognosis, so I'm taking it!  I'll also start on Zometa, a bone strengthening drug.  Multiple myeloma can impact bone strength, and while I have no bone deficiencies at this point, I want to keep my skeletal system strong.  And soon enough, my port will be removed.  Whew - no more foreign object in my body!

And lastly, Dr. Anderson laughed when I asked if I could have a glass of wine at Thanksgiving.  "What - you haven't had any wine??  It has resveratrol and is good for you!"  I guess that means yes :-)


  1. This is wonderful news! The power of prayer realized; not to mention your strength and coverage!

    I hope you opened a bottle of wine and enjoyed every robust sip!!

  2. What a wonderful report and I do hope you enjoy your well deserved glass of wine at Thanksgiving! EZ is on 10 mg Revlimid daily for the best days off, and has been on Aredia infusions monthly, but has been stretched now to every other month. Wishing you well on your journey as you move forward!

  3. Excellent news - so happy for you, Susan!
