Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What would you do for a Klondike bar?

Me personally, nothing.  I'm not a fan.  However, what would I do for bacon and eggs?  Just about anything right now!  Oh the morning shakes!  My oh my.  I truly do enjoy the green shakes I've been making every morning.  They leave me feeling satisfied, full and healthy -  and they keep my blood sugar stable all morning.  And often when noon rolls around, I'm not really hungry - unless I'm stressed, but that's a different kind of eating altogether.

This past week, though, I think I've experimented a little too much with the shake recipe.  Actually, I don't have a recipe - I tend to open the fridge and throw whatever I can find into my nice new blender, though I most always include a frozen banana (no rhyme or reason to that one).  This morning, I started with carrots, fresh from the farm, and then added a gala apple, a little ginger, a little kale, a non-frozen banana (why??), a serving of tofu, some flax seed and flax oil.  Yes, it tasted just as you're imagining it would taste - nasty! :-(  It gives me the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it!

But I drank it, at least most of it, because there were 4 servings of fruits and vegetables in that one way-too-big container of way-too-much morning shake.  The rest awaits me in the fridge. (heebie-jeebies)  I've got to start using the recipes in that green smoothies book I bought!

Bacon and eggs, french toast, pancakes with maple syrup...I miss you!  This weekend we must be reunited, if only for a day....and not in a shake.

Update on Team Multiple Miracles:  we have 16 team members and have raised $1935 thus far!  Visit us at Team Multiple Miracles to join, donate, or be with us in spirit and hope!

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the bacon and eggs, french toast and pancakes, even though I do occasionally long for a good smoothie! Good for you in trying to get those fruits and veggies in!
