Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Scenes from a hospital

I finally made it home from the hospital!  I thought I was going in for an overnight stay; next thing I know, I'm leaving 8 days later.  That was quite unexpected and quite depressing, as you probably gathered from my previous entry.  There were, though, a few humorous moments after I started to get better.  I thought I'd share them with you.

Scene 1
FF (family/friend):  Now the most important thing for you right now is to get a good night sleep so you'll feel strong tomorrow.
ME:  What are you - Marcus Welby?

Scene 2
ME:  Pass me the Dinamap.
FF:  What's the Dinamap?
ME:  The blue machine over there.
FF:  That's for the nurses.
ME:  I know, but I've been watching the nurses.  I know how to use it.  I want to take my temperature.
FF:  That's not right.  You can't do that.
ME:  Ok.

Scene 3
ME:  Pass me my pocketbook, please.
(it gets passed to me)
FF:  What are you doing?
ME:  I've got my own thermometer.

Scene 4
ME:  I think I'm getting feverish again.
NURSE:  Your temp is only 100.3.  I'm not treating that.
ME:  But that's been my pattern.  I hover at 100 then quickly shoot up to over 102, have the sweats and then the chills.  I don't want to go through that again.  My body has had enough!
NURSE:  I'll come back in an hour to check your temp again.
(exit Nurse)
ME:  Pass me my pocketbook, please.
FF:  What are you doing?
ME:  I have my own tylenol.

Scene 5
NURSE:  See, your temp is down to 99 now.
ME:  Why, yes, yes it is.  ;-)

Scene 6
ME:  Pass me my pocketbook, please.
FF:  What now???
ME:  I have an extra hot pack in there.
FF:  ??????????
ME:  The nurse brought me 2 and I only used 1, so I saved the other.  Just in case.  This is a 'just in case' moment.

Scene 7
Nurse enters at 11pm with my calcium pill, an acyclovir pill and a cup of water.
NURSE:  Here are your pills.  I'll be back in a few minutes with the IV med.
(exit Nurse)
ME:  Here you go (to FF).
FF:  What is this?
ME:  My calcium pill.  It's too late and too big.  I'm not taking it.
FF:  Have you not been taking your pills?  Are you hiding them??
ME:  No, of course not.  I'm just not taking this one.
FF:  Yes, you are.  Right now.
ME:  Pass me my pocketbook, please.
FF:  What are you doing???  You are not putting that pill in there!  Take it now!
(I dutifully take the pill).
FF:  Wait until I tell your family you're hiding pills.  You're in big trouble.

Scene 8
FF:  Don't get your hopes up.  You may not get to go home tomorrow.
ME:  I'm going home tomorrow.  Now start packing up my stuff.
FF:  You're going to be disappointed if you can't go home.
ME:  I'm going home tomorrow.  Are you going to help me pack?
FF:  I'll take a few things, but try not to get your hopes up.
ME:  I'm going home tomorrow.  One way or another, I'm going home tomorrow.  All I need is my pocketbook :-)


  1. Susan,

    The medical community has not figured out that "You are smarter than the average bear." And, more resourceful!

    Thinking of you.
    Nancy S.

  2. This is why women carry large purses!

  3. When this BS is all over and you are have bid farewell to this cancer crap, you will be on the best seller list with this stuff!
