Monday, August 1, 2011

Update to Kindness of Strangers

A few weeks back I wrote about the kindness of strangers.  In that blog I wrote of the woman who drove me home and our discovery that we both had cancer, she having been just diagnosed.  Well, I decided I would order for her a medal of St. Peregrine, the patron saint of those with cancer (Catholic tradition).  I also ordered her a prayer book and oil blessed in the name of St. Peregrine.  When these gifts finally arrived, I wrapped them and drove to the grocery store where she worked to drop them off.  Jo wasn't there.  A woman behind the counter said Jo would be coming in on Thursday.  Since I knew I couldn't be there on Thursday, I asked if I could leave the gift bag for her.  "Sure," she said.  "I'll make sure she gets it."  What she didn't say is "Sure, I'll make sure she gets it when she comes to pick up her last paycheck on Thursday."  That's right - the grocery store fired her!!  They fired her!!  They told her they needed to hire more full-time employees, so they had to let her go since she was only part time.  Part time for 5 years!  I was stunned.  They couldn't see this lovely woman through her crisis??  It made me sad and it made me angry.  And I won't stop there again.

Tomorrow Jo has her mastectomy.  My prayers and good wishes are sent her way.

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